Advanced Cardiovascular Specialists, APMC has assumed a liberal credit policy. It is our intention to assist patients’ insurance carriers, and, where insurance does not exist, establish appropriate payment schedules with the patient.
All copays and/or unmet deductibles equal to the cost of services rendered are to be paid at the time of visit. For your convenience we accept cash, personal checks, money orders, and major credit cards.
If you need to discuss setting up a payment plan with our office, please call our Business Office at 318.795.4622.
Advanced Cardiovascular Specialists, will bill any insurance carrier for the charges that have been incurred. It is important that all patients be aware that the payments received from the insurance carrier may vary greatly based on the quality of the policy that has been purchased. Billing the commercial insurance carrier is a service that we provide to our patients.
It is important that patients understand that payment of the outstanding account balance is their responsibility regardless of the level of insurance coverage. You will receive a statement notifying you when your insurance carrier has responded to the claim submitted for services. The statement will also be a notification of the balance due. Our accounts are 30-day accounts. Special arrangements may be requested if you are unable to make payment within that 30-day period.
Advanced Cardiovascular Specialists is a participating Medicare provider and as such, will bill Medicare direct for all services provided by our physicians. Medicare will establish an allowable charge for all services billed, of which Medicare will then pay us 80 percent. In addition to their annual deductible, patients are responsible for the 20 percent of the allowable charge not covered by Medicare.
We will file your Medicare and supplemental insurance. Please provide our office with any supplemental or coinsurance information. If you do not have a supplemental insurance, you will be responsible for the balance due after the Medicare payment.